SIA Engineering Company 항공정비사 채용 > 취업정보

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SIA Engineering Company 항공정비사 채용

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 778회 작성일 23-10-05 10:23


안녕하세요 항공기술교육원입니다.

이번에는 싱가포르항공의 자회사인 SIA 엔지니어링 컴퍼니에서 항공정비사 채용을 하게 되어 여러분들에게 알려드리고자 합니다~

접수기간은 23년 12월 21일까지이며, 바로 아래의 링크를 통해 홈페이지 접수를 해주세요

※ 접수마감일 - 2023.12.31
※ 전형방법 - 서류 , 면접

Selection Method : Interview / Skills Test
How To Apply : Application to /
Application Period : Till Dec 2023

At SIA Engineering, we are committed to ensuring your personal information is protected and never misused. Personal data collected will be used or disclosed only for the purposes of your job application and potential employment with SIA Engineering, such as for assessing and evaluating your suitability for employment in any current or prospective position within the organization and verifying your identity and accuracy of the personal details and other information provided.

By submitting your application for this position, you consent to:

a) Collection, use and disclosure of your personal data by SIA Engineering for the purposes of your application and potential employment with SIA Engineering, including disclosing such personal data to any of SIA Engineering’s subsidiaries, affiliates, or related corporations (if necessary for the processing of your job application)

b) SIA Engineering’s retention of your personal data for 1 year for consideration of future job opportunities (where applicable).


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


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